Message from President/CEO Ryan Bartlett:
A clear difference exists in the operation of an organization when the customers are also the owners. The difference is what sets Taylor Electric Cooperative apart and gives us the ability to look out for you – our members. We exist to meet our member’s needs; Local customer service offering in-house billing, 24/7 outage management center, responsive crews and a culture committed to serve our communities.
In 1939, neighbors joined together to improve the quality of life, providing electricity to rural communities. Eighty years later, we are working to improve the quality of life in a different way and have expanded our services to include Access high speed internet. Even with the changes and growth over the years, the structure and governance of Taylor Electric Cooperative is still based on the Cooperative Business Model; taking an ethical, sustainable approach to business by considering not only the economic impacts of their activities, but also their social/cultural and environmental impacts.
- Provide at-cost electric service
- Consumers are Members of the Cooperative, not just customers
- Governed by a board of directors elected from the
membership - Director set policies and procedures that senior
management implements - Independent electric utility business incorporated under
the laws of the states in which it operates - Net margins belong to our members, not to stock holders residing out of state as in the IOU model
The difference is clear. We take pride in offering electric, fiber and other services to our neighbors. We’ve assembled a great team of folks here at Taylor Electric all in an effort to serve you. It’s neighbors working for neighbors. Thank you for being a member of Taylor Electric Cooperative. I’m grateful to be a part of a cooperative team that is committed to the membership and excited to see where the future takes us.
Ryan Bartlett
President / CEO